Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Well that's unexpected...

So, Heath Ledger was found dead in his apartment today. Mother and I were shocked. If it was Britney, well, let's all be honest..... I don't think anyone would be surprised by that..... but Heath? Gosh....... it's like hearing about Steve Irwin all over again. I'm hearing it, but I don't wanna believe it..... Young people shouldn't die.....

But then again... he was almost 30...... and that is pretty old....

*runs away, ducking for cover..... fearful of whatever it is that the oldies try to throw at me...*


SOL's view said...

*throws sock full of marbles*

Pfft! Like, Steve Irwin. That was a small surprise but let's face it. Something was gonna bite back one day...

Colleen Barnett said...

yes, little one, you had better run and hide! Grrrr!